PHP 编译的时候,直接把第三方扩展编译到内核

首先拷贝扩展  xcache 到 php-xxx/ext/ 目录下.
然后执行  ./buildconf --force
# 如果执行了一次后,又添加了其它扩展,则可能执行失败
执行 ./configure --help | grep xcache   看看吧

buildconf 需要 autoconf 这个工具.但是 Autoconf的版本不能高于 2.59 ,
CentOS 有 autoconf 2.13 这个独立版本. 直接 yum install autoconf213 即可.
同时, 添加两个环境变量:
export PHP_AUTOCONF=/usr/bin/autoconf-2.13
export PHP_AUTOHEADER=/usr/bin/autoconf-2.13

[root@localhost php-7.2.11]# ./buildconf --force
Forcing buildconf
Removing configure caches
rebuilding aclocal.m4
rebuilding configure
rebuilding main/
[root@localhost php-7.2.11]# ./configure --help | grep redis
--enable-redis Enable redis support
--disable-redis-session Disable session support
--enable-redis-igbinary Enable igbinary serializer support
--enable-redis-lzf Enable lzf compression support
--enable-async-redis Do you have hiredis?
[root@localhost php-7.2.11]# ./configure --help | grep swoole
--enable-swoole-debug Enable swoole debug
--enable-trace-log Enable swoole trace log
--enable-swoole Enable swoole support
--enable-swoole-static Enable swoole static compile support
--with-swoole With swoole support
[root@localhost php-7.2.11]# ./configure --help | grep xdebug
--enable-xdebug Enable Xdebug support
--enable-xdebug-dev Xdebug: Enable developer flags
